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About EN

Constream is an advanced construction enterprise platform, built on transparent, immutable, and auditable data ensured by private blockchain technology.

Imagine a world where different rules, flows, and regulations are seamlessly connected towards a common goal. At Constream, we have created an ecosystem designed to unlock the full potential of decentralization and fragmentation in the construction industry using cutting-edge technology.


To achieve this vision, we are developing an advanced construction enterprise platform recreating the reality of the specific construction management process and serving solutions to day-to-day problems. We provide transparency, immutability, and auditable data that supports your decisions in data management for incoming Industry 4.0.


With this approach, it is possible to add new functional blocks without affecting the already working elements of the system. Additionally, each workspace is separated at the database level to implement the idea of transparency, distributed information ownership, and truth-based connectivity between distributed teams.

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